Three Ways to Honor the Veterans in Your Life

To be a veteran is such a selfless act. Brave men and women put their lives on the line in order to serve and protect the American people. Unfortunately, it takes a specific holiday for many people to slow down and thank the veterans in their lives. Truthfully, many people reserve those holidays to focus on barbeques and summertime fun.

If you’ve been guilty of this mistake, you can correct it by intentionally honoring the veterans around you. Consider the following ways you can do this.

1. Express gratitude.

Imagine if you constantly gave to someone and they didn’t say thank you. It wouldn’t make you feel very nice. This is why it’s important to take time out to acknowledge the sacrifices of veterans by expressing appreciation. You can express gratitude by saying thank you. You can write letters and send cards filled with appreciative words. Give gifts like navy vietnam veteran hats or t-shirts.

2. Fulfill needs.

If you sit down and pay attention, there are a lot of veterans who struggle with different issues such as mental illness. If you have the necessary resources, cover the cost of care for a veteran to get the counseling they need. Post-traumatic stress syndrome is a real issue that needs to be dealt with. Yes, this country doesn’t do a great job of taking care of its veterans. That doesn’t mean you need to follow the country’s lead. You can tap into resources and do your research to learn how you can help veterans who haven’t bounced back into civilian life. It’s a difficult transition.

3. Shout it from the rooftops.

When a family member gets their law degree or their medical degree, the family boasts about this accomplishment with pride. You can do the same for the veteran in your life. There is a certain amount of honor that comes with being a lawyer or a physician that should be given to those who have served the American people in a sacrificial way. In fact, it should be considered the highest honor. As a result, when you introduce a veteran to others, be sure to acknowledge the fact that they are indeed a veteran.